Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Super Sexy !

Koda Kumiわ わたしのだいすきな かしゅです!
これがかの じょのconcertのending です。

Koda Kumi is one of my favourite singer,
this video is the ending of her concert
it's very sexy and creative!
Her dancing is always power, making her looks so energetic!=)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


大家好~我是来自中国厦门的王宇曦同学!大家可以叫我Yuxi,也可以叫我Daisy^^ 我喜欢听日语歌(滨崎步,中岛美嘉、幸田来未,大塚爱⋯⋯),还喜欢看日本杂志(Vivi, Ray......), 而且日语中很多发音和我的家乡方言很像,让我觉得非常有趣~由于我的母语是中文,在上课时每当遇到问题,我常常下意识想要用中文思考或用中文提问,但马上我意识到这里是美国,我必须得用英语!于是这个语言之间的转化让我很不习惯。另外我对ko,go两个音没有办法分清楚⋯⋯除此之外,日语课什么都很棒!


Hi~This is Yuxi. You can or me Yuxi or Daisy, just pick up one you like=). I like to listen Japanese songs((Ayumi Hamasaki, Mika Nakashima, Koda Kumi, Ai Otsuka ⋯ ⋯),and read Japanese magazines( Vivi, Ray...), and lots of the pronounciation in Japanese are quite similar to the pronounciation in my hometown's dialect(which is as same as Taiwaness), that makes me find Japanese very interesting!
Because of that my native language is Chinese, everytime when I have question on the class, I always wanna think or ask in Chinese. Then soon i realise it's in America! And I have to translate it in my mind again... Also, I can't distinguish "ko"and "go"...except that, everything on Japanese class is GREAT!

I hope next time when I transit in T0kyo, I can buy cosmetics without translation...haha!


みなさん〜わたしはYuxiです!ちゅうごくじん です。あもい から きました。宇曦は
わたしの ちゅごくごのなまえ です。Barnardのいちねんせいです。じうはっさいです〜